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Should Parents Use Cell Phone Monitoring to keep check on their Kids?

Should Parents Use Cell Phone Monitoring to keep check on their Kids?


Technology has created many new ways to keep us connected and safe in today’s world, and when it comes to children, there are more advanced tools that parents can now take advantage of to keep their children safe in the digital world.

Cell phone monitoring is an extremely effective method for keep a watchful eye over your children.

An invasive tool but is it really crossing the line when it comes to the safety and wellbeing of your children?

Below we have made a list of the Pro’s & Cons of Cell Phone Monitoring for Children.

Benefits of Cell Phone Monitoring

Cell Phones are anything but just a phone these days, they keep us connected in virtually every way, many children and teens are connected through their cell phones today.

Phones serve many purposes due to their mass of communication abilities, Messaging apps, social media platforms and pretty much anything digital is available through a phone.

For parents they provide instant connectivity to their children, instant peace of mind, but at what cost?

Unfortunately, smartphones come with many risks, since they provide easy access to the internet, the world is accessible by any child through a smartphone, children are naturally curious, and they are not fully aware of the dangers that lurk on the internet.

Parents who use smartphone monitoring software can feel more in control keeping a watchful eye over their child’s phone activities

Dangers lurking on the net are everywhere, here are a couple of concerns every parent needs to be aware of


Inappropriate Web Content

Children being children are always curious to explore, the internet is full of content, which is not suitable for children.

smartphone monitoring can help a parent spot the signs of inappropriate viewing early.

Smart Phone monitoring provides multiple ways to track internet usage, be it from the internet history, apps installed and, in some cases, even app messages with inappropriate content, being sent and received from a device.


Cyberbullying is a major concern for parents today, in many cases children do not speak up about such events until the situations escalate.

Many children are too afraid to tell their parents, in many cases they are afraid as they may have been doing something they should not have been doing.

Spotting the early signs of a child in silent distress will help you and them get through a difficult situation.

Children who become the victims of a cyberbully may become more withdrawn, secretive, angry, and may even start not using their digital devices.

When a mom or dad can see the activities of their child’s phone, they can grasp the situation much quicker and act fast.

Downsides of Child Monitoring


A child who is aware of the monitoring will see it as an invasion of their privacy, but there is a debate about how much a Child has a right to privacy given a Parent has an obligation to keep their children safe, healthy, and protected.

Some smartphone monitoring solutions like Remote-Vue for Android, can be installed without a child being aware they are being monitored.

In today’s digitally driven world where digital device use accounts for approximately 20% of a person’s day, should we really be letting children loose, unaccompanied, and unmonitored in the digital world?

The benefits of Phone monitoring are clear, in some cases you may even see your child behaves responsibly and your concerns may not even be warranted.

Important Information for Safety Conscious Parents

• 1 in 3 Children 8-14 experienced Cyberbullying in 2022

• In Game Chat Applications are widely used by paedophiles to befriend children

PBN-TEC's trusted Android Monitoring Solution - Remote-Vue

Advanced Android Child Monitoring Software Live Access to Childs Phone usage GPS, Contacts, Keystrokes, Internet History, Videos & Images, Call History.

Remote-Vue is an Android Monitoring Software providing live remote monitoring of any Android 10 OS and above Cell phone or Tablet.

Parents need access to the target phone to install the monitoring software, users will also need the pin/pattern code if the device has a screen lock.

Watch the easy installation video


Click the link below to Purchase Remote-Vue from an Authorized reseller