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Cellphone Investigation Kit – Unlimited Use

MAP-PRICE: $349.00

The Cell phone Investigation kit works with both iPhone and Android Operating systems.

Extract and Examine data from the most popular Phones & tablets.

Investigate data held on virtually any smartphone or tablet including:

iPhone, iPad, Android smart phones & tablets.

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Trusted by Hundreds of clients domestically and internationally.


What you need when you need it.


Support hours:

Monday to Friday


Orders received by 1PM MST go out the same day for all US clients.

All Orders ship from our Head Office location in Draper, Utah


PBN-TEC adopt a strict MAP pricing policy

CPIK includes two of the most sought-after tools for cell phone data extractions.

iPhone & Android cell Phones dominate the marketplace for phones.

The iRecovery Stick for iPhone and Phone Recovery Stick for Android, are the only tools an Investigator needs to extract data from any of these two popular cell phone operating systems.

Use trusted tools to perform data extractions from popular devices including iPhone, iPad, and all Android based digital devices including phones and tablets.

Users can also extract and examine SIM Card data using the Sim Card Seizure kit, including in the Cellphone Investigation kit

PBN-CPIK provides Investigators with an unlimited use, kit with free updates for life, use the CPIK to conduct Cellphone investigations and take your cases Digital.

See the table below to see examples of each tools use:

Investigation Tools and Accessories Investigative Uses
iRecovery Stick Extract & Investigate Data Sets from i-devices including iPhone & iPad
Phone Recovery Stick Extract & Investigate Data Sets from Android based Phones & Tablets
SIM Card Seizure Extract and Examine Data Sets from all types of SIM Cards
64GB USB Drive Save Evidentiary Content onto drive for casefile creation.
Data Cable Kit Cables including iPhone, USB-C & Micro USB
Micro-SIM Card adapter Perform examinations of any size SIM card using this Sim Card Adapter which is compatible with all sizes of SIM.
Storage Case Keep all your digital investigation tools in one compartmentalized hard-shell case, ready for use, easy to transport, anywhere.


User Groups & Pro-Tips

Digital Investigation Software was originally built for Law Enforcement to help solve crimes. Continued exponential growth of Technology and IOT has widened the net for Digital Investigation Software and increased usage to more and more user groups:

  • Investigation Agencies – The Investigation Industry benefits most from the PBN-CPIK due to be continued unlimited use and free updates for life provided with all tools inside the kit.

The ability to take a case into a digital sphere and uncover new lines of inquiry is an option no PI Agency can overlook, Cell Phones and Digital devices contain more pedigree information and user behaviour data inside them, than a person’s home.

  • Corporations & Organizations – Digital devices vulnerability and usage are dependent on the user, IT Security staff across all types of organizations regularly use Digital Investigation Software for all types of auditing.

Investigating digital devices using the PBN-CPIK can be used in all types of Internal Investigations including Human Resources, IT Vulnerability assessments, Employee Investigations, Data Loss and Information Leakage investigations.

  • Educational Training – Many Education courses ranging from Justice & Law to IT Security provide modules on Cell Phone Investigation Software, the tools inside the kit provide a strong foundation for Cell Phone investigations and demonstrate multiple methods used by Investigators to acquire and investigate pedigree information.

The PBN-CPIK is widely used by over 800 investigation agencies worldwide, the tools have helped acquire information for thousands of cases, along the way we have adapted the kit to be in line with modern usage, below are some important tips that our users have adopted to access as much information as possible, from a digital device.

  • Processing any type of Smartphone – iPhone or Android

Users of the CPIK need to ensure they have access or can obtain access to any type of screen or pattern locks in order to extract information from the Cell Phone.

The two Software’s for Smartphones inside the CPIK ensures Investigators can use the tools on over 99% of smartphones available in the market, the two operating systems which dominate the cell phone market are iPhone and Android Operating systems. The CPIK includes software to extract information from both of these major operating systems.

Make your Cases Mobile

  • By default, when processing a smartphone, the acquired data will be downloaded to the local drive on the computer you are using to process the phone, in order to access the data and examine the phones contents, users must have the USB drive for the software plugged into the computer, this method ensures only the intended party can access the data.

We recommend due to the size of the data sets acquired from a smartphone, users change the default location from the local drive and save it directly to a USB drive, depending on the internal storage system of the phone, users are advised to use a USB drive with at least 64GB of free space.

Adopting this method ensures your Laptop does not slow down, overcomes any issues with only being able to access the content from one computer in one location and is a more secure method for your investigations.

Users can bookmark and export important data from the cell phone extractions, save it directly to the USB drive for case creation purposes.

Requirements & FAQ


Sim Card Seizure:

  • SMS must be stored to SIM card for recovery to work.
  • System Compatibility: Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 & 11
  • 1.33 GHz Processor, 1 GB RAM, 200 MB Hard Drive Space

iRecovery Stick for iPhone

  • Works on iPhones, iPads, and iTouch devices running iOS 16.x and below
  • System Compatibility: Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 & 11
  • 1.33 GHz Processor, 1 GB RAM, 200 MB Hard Drive Space
  • Compatible Data Cable Required

Phone Recovery Stick for Android

  • System Compatibility: Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 & 11
  • 1.33 GHz Processor, 1 GB RAM, 200 MB Hard Drive Space
  • Compatible Data Cable Required


Can I use these software’s on as many phones as I need?

Yes, users can use the tools inside the PBN-CPIK, on as many devices as you wish.

How long does the subscription last?

Users can use the tools inside the PBN-CPIK for as long as they need providing, they update their devices using the onboard updater, at least once every 12 months, failure to update a tool will mean your device will not have access to the latest updates and may not work correctly.

How long does the subscription last?

Users can use the tools inside the PBN-CPIK for as long as they need providing, they update their devices using the onboard updater, at least once every 12 months, failure to update a tool will mean your device will not have access to the latest updates and may not work correctly.

How can I learn more about each tool inside this kit?

Review the individual product pages for each tool inside the PBN-CPIK.

iRecovery Stick for iPhone.

Phone Recovery Stick for Android

Sim Card Seizure

More Questions?

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